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New to Jenison Christian Church (JCC)?

We want to welcome you to our community and welcome you into realizing that you are a part of something bigger than all of us. We like to think of our lives as part of the grand story that God has written for this world. The story where each of us plays a supporting role to all that God is doing.

That is the beauty of this life—the fact that we have the opportunity to support God in the greatest story ever told: the creation of the earth; the rise and fall of great nations; the coming of Jesus Christ, God’s own son; His life, death, and resurrection; the beginning and explosive growth of His church; the church’s tremendous impact on history and culture; and its ongoing mission to declare and demonstrate the good news about Jesus to a hurting and lost world.

If you're planning a visit to JCC, click here for helpful information.

Worship Service Time: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m.